Batman and the missing Scream
In September 2008, I was channel surfing when I ran across an airing of the movie Batman, starring Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I had seen the movie when it originally appeared in theaters in 1989. Vicky Vale, portrayed by Kim Bassinger, is being seated in the cafe section of a museum. I decided to keep watching as I anticipated my favorite scene, in which thugs vandalizing works of art are interrupted by the Joker when they reach The Scream by Edvard Munch. He spares the painting because he kind of likes it.
On TV, the vandals smear bright paint on various masterpieces. The Joker approaches the terrified Vale. As the vandalism continues, the Joker calls out to his henchmen across the room to leave alone a dark painting. I cannot quite make out the details of the picture, but it definitely is not The Scream.
A day or two later, I see another showing of Batman listed in my newspaper television schedule. I decide to watch it from the beginning. Maybe there was another vandalism scene I had missed. Here we go again. Vale puts on the gas mask from the gift box. Diners swoon as gas enters the museum. The Joker and his thugs vandalize works of art until they reach one painting, in which a man sitting in a dark room is flanked by two sides of beef hanging from the ceiling. The Joker spares the painting, saying, "I kinda like this one, Bob. Leave it."
Through research on the internet, I discover this painting is Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. The seated figure is a caricature of Pope Innocent X.
In September 2008, I was channel surfing when I ran across an airing of the movie Batman, starring Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I had seen the movie when it originally appeared in theaters in 1989. Vicky Vale, portrayed by Kim Bassinger, is being seated in the cafe section of a museum. I decided to keep watching as I anticipated my favorite scene, in which thugs vandalizing works of art are interrupted by the Joker when they reach The Scream by Edvard Munch. He spares the painting because he kind of likes it.
On TV, the vandals smear bright paint on various masterpieces. The Joker approaches the terrified Vale. As the vandalism continues, the Joker calls out to his henchmen across the room to leave alone a dark painting. I cannot quite make out the details of the picture, but it definitely is not The Scream.
A day or two later, I see another showing of Batman listed in my newspaper television schedule. I decide to watch it from the beginning. Maybe there was another vandalism scene I had missed. Here we go again. Vale puts on the gas mask from the gift box. Diners swoon as gas enters the museum. The Joker and his thugs vandalize works of art until they reach one painting, in which a man sitting in a dark room is flanked by two sides of beef hanging from the ceiling. The Joker spares the painting, saying, "I kinda like this one, Bob. Leave it."
Through research on the internet, I discover this painting is Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. The seated figure is a caricature of Pope Innocent X.
But this is wrong again. In that first showing on TV, the Joker was standing or sitting across from Vale when he spares the picture; in the next showing, he is standing next to the picture and I can see it more clearly. I have discovered a third version of Batman.
Somewhere between the debut of Batman in 1989 and 2008, the universe was split in two: one containing Batman with The Scream; the other containing Batman featuring Figure with Meat. What is the significance of the different painting? I would suggest that Figure with Meat, featuring a pope, represents the sex scandal in which Roman Catholic priests treated boys “like meat.” In our version of history, the scandal was big enough to result in the selection of Pope Francis, who is taking the church and even world history in a different direction.
But what of my third viewing of the movie, in which the Joker stands next to the painting instead of next to Vicky Vale? The fact that the Joker stands closer to the painting represents my own change in perspective. I am standing closer to the truth. My observation created still another universe.
These experiences might fall into the category of a Level 3 parallel universe, in which each possible observation corresponds to a different universe, although Level 3 theory does not account for my memory of the “previous” universe.
What happened in the universe that kept The Scream in Batman? I don’t know but apparently it represented a path of history in which much of humanity screams in anguish or terror.
I am not the only one who remembers The Scream being in the movie. On the website The Easter Egg Archive, Cruel Messenger wrote: I would have to back the person here who said the painting is "The Scream" by Edward Munch. Why? Because it says so in the film's novelization, that's why. Now granted, the novelization of any film may not reflect the final cut of the film. But in this case, it seems to back up The Scream theory. Robinzo wrote: I agree, I seem to remember it being The Scream by Edvard Munch (my favourite painting).
More memories, more timelines
My encounter with the Batman dichotomy was not my first experience of a "wrong" memory. That occurred some years ago while watching The Maltese Falcon, the classic Humphrey Bogart film, on TV. In the movie, the characters pursue a falcon statue whose veneer is supposed to conceal precious gems. When the Fat Man scratches the statue with a small knife, he discovers there are no jewels underneath; the falcon is a fake. This climactic scene seemed lame. In a previous viewing of the film several years before, I thought there had been a struggle for the falcon. The statue fell to the floor and broke apart, revealing the absence of the gems.
I concluded that two versions of The Maltese Falcon existed, representing two paths of history. In the universe in which JFK was not assassinated, humans experienced a nuclear war that destroyed male power, symbolized by the breaking of the falcon, which also represents the sun-god Ra. However, in this universe, we experienced a lesser conflict, the Vietnam War, which only "scratched" the authority of men.
The linkage of the falcon to the Vietnam War can be found in the history of the Ford Falcon. The compact, made from 1960 to 1970, wasn't memorable for performance or refinement. Nevertheless, the car racked up sales of over half a million in the first year; over a million were sold by the end of the second year.
Ford executive Robert McNamara is widely credited with being the "father" of the Falcon. McNamara left Ford to become the U.S. Defense Secretary who presided over the Vietnam War. Like the Ford Falcon, the Vietnam War enjoyed acceptance for several years before falling out of favor. The tenacity of the Viet Cong and the anti-war movement would clip McNamara’s wings over the world. And the youthful, rebellious Ford Mustang would eclipse the conventional Falcon.
Ghost from Ghost On March 31, 1995, I am watching The X-Files episode "Humbug," a story about murder among circus freaks living in a trailer park. I spot Vincent Schiavelli, recognizable for his hangdog looks, portraying "Lanny."
This is not right. As I recalled, several months before I had seen a special on the E! Network or VH1 about the making of the 1990 movie Ghost, which starred Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg. According to this documentary, Schiavelli, who portrayed the petulant subway ghost, was not feeling well during the filming and died shortly after the movie was completed. As I watched The X-Files, I felt I was seeing a ghost from Ghost.
In "fact," Schiavelli was very much alive and would not die until December 28, 2005 from lung cancer. I had experienced another "wrong" memory.
What do these events say about the creative process? If different variations of a movie exist in a dozen, a hundred or even a million universes, who is the original director or screenwriter? Perhaps there is only one original creative artist and all the other writers merely copied ideas that were transmitted to their conscious or unconscious minds by some interuniverse conduit. If true, that would certainly make a mockery of our copyright laws.
Indeed, all the ideas on this website may not be truly mine; I simply pulled them out of the "ether" from another Robert Urbanek in another universe.
Alternative election On October 3, 2008, I wondered if a newsman had also been jolted through a parallel universe. In his appearance on Late Night with David Letterman, NBC anchor Brian Williams said the Obama versus McCain matchup reminded him of the Kennedy-Eisenhower debate. Thinking I may have done another universe jump, I quickly ran to my computer and confirmed on the Internet that Kennedy indeed debated Nixon, not Eisenhower. Ike ran twice against Adlai Stevenson.
But this is the second time Williams has "recalled" the Kennedy-Eisenhower contest. In June 2008, while being interviewed on MSNBC by Chris Matthews, Williams said, "You know it might read like an Aaron Sorkin screenplay of what political discourse is supposed to sound like in this country, what it sounds like in our dreams. If we're gonna have it, this is the first time perhaps since Ike vs. Kennedy that it's going to happen." I think Williams may have an actual memory of seeing a tape of Eisenhower debating Kennedy. He accessed a parallel universe where Kennedy ran for President in 1956.
Different contact On April 10, 2010, I decided to take a quick look at a TV showing of Star Trek: First Contact (1996), which I had seen previously. Again, things seemed off. What I remember is that early instead of later in the movie, the Enterprise is slowly turning into a Borg vessel, evidence of a change in the timeline that the crew traces back to a change in earth history. The Enterprise must travel back in time to stop the Borg interference.
Another difference: When Picard mentions the Borg to a woman, she replies, "Sounds Swedish." My recollection: The woman said something like, "What is that, a Swedish rock group?" and the conversation took place at the Earth space camp, not on board the Enterprise.
The time travel premise of the movie may indicate that alternative universes are the product of time travel. Alternative timelines are created in alternative universes.
I also found myself with wrong memories of another time travel Star Trek, the 2009 reboot featuring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock. I had seen the film on a DVD from the library and decided to take another look when CBS featured the film as its Sunday night feature on October 3, 2021.
I remembered the young Kirk taking the joyride in the stolen car and the brightly lit bridge of the new Enterprise but much else seemed wrong. I remembered Scotty being onboard as chief engineer when the Enterprise left port. He was never on an icy outpost. I don’t recall the peril faced by the crew, but it was resolved through time travel. Leonard Nimoy appeared much later in the movie. I definitely did not remember the destruction of both the Romulan and Vulcan home worlds, with billions of lives lost, which seemed out of character for the Star Trek franchise. Given my belief that culture often anticipates reality, this ominous change in the movie suggests an ominous change in our own future.
Several hours after seeing the movie, I had a dream in which Kate Mulgrew, who portrayed Captain Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager, is driving me to a dinner date in an old luxury car. She complains I have disturbed her side view mirror. I see in front of me a round toggle switch like that on a TV remote control. I push the left arrow and the mirror is correctly aligned. Given that the side view mirror reflects what is passing the vehicle, the dream would seem to suggest that the programs and movies I see on TV reflect actual events that are passing by me, and the remote control in the dream represents my ability to anticipate those events.
Another Vlad CBS Morning News announced on Sept. 2, 2020 that their newsman Vladimir Duthiers had married news producer Marian Wang. Yet, I seemed to recall that several months before, in response to women who were interested in Vladimir, co-host Gayle King said, “Sorry girls, he’s not available. He’s gay.” I also seem to remember, though less clearly, photos or videos showing Vladimir with a male partner.
I had still another “wrong memory” in June 2023. I had checked out the original miniseries The Stand (1994) on DVDs from the library. I had seen it before and when watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent back in 2001, recognized Jamey Sheridan as the demonic villain Randall Flagg from the miniseries. But as I started watching the DVDs, nothing seemed familiar: not the old black woman on the porch nor the showdown in Las Vegas.
Instead, I recalled, though somewhat vaguely, an entirely different story line. After the apocalypse, Flagg gathered followers on his seemingly biblical trek through the devastated countryside. However, a group of dissidents split off after they recognized his demonic nature. Both sides are involved in a series of skirmishes. The groups are heading East, not West. When Flagg reaches a big city, New York, I believe, his group seizes a television station from which they will broadcast a national message announcing Flagg as the new leader of humanity. However, the dissidents sabotage the broadcast and Flagg is tricked into revealing his true demonic self before a nationwide audience.
At times I feel like Worf in that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which he keeps jumping between different universes. He cannot understand weapon controls, the furnishings in his room are different and he finds he is married to Counselor Troi. Will I ever return to my original universe or will I keep traveling among different realities?
My encounter with the Batman dichotomy was not my first experience of a "wrong" memory. That occurred some years ago while watching The Maltese Falcon, the classic Humphrey Bogart film, on TV. In the movie, the characters pursue a falcon statue whose veneer is supposed to conceal precious gems. When the Fat Man scratches the statue with a small knife, he discovers there are no jewels underneath; the falcon is a fake. This climactic scene seemed lame. In a previous viewing of the film several years before, I thought there had been a struggle for the falcon. The statue fell to the floor and broke apart, revealing the absence of the gems.
I concluded that two versions of The Maltese Falcon existed, representing two paths of history. In the universe in which JFK was not assassinated, humans experienced a nuclear war that destroyed male power, symbolized by the breaking of the falcon, which also represents the sun-god Ra. However, in this universe, we experienced a lesser conflict, the Vietnam War, which only "scratched" the authority of men.
The linkage of the falcon to the Vietnam War can be found in the history of the Ford Falcon. The compact, made from 1960 to 1970, wasn't memorable for performance or refinement. Nevertheless, the car racked up sales of over half a million in the first year; over a million were sold by the end of the second year.
Ford executive Robert McNamara is widely credited with being the "father" of the Falcon. McNamara left Ford to become the U.S. Defense Secretary who presided over the Vietnam War. Like the Ford Falcon, the Vietnam War enjoyed acceptance for several years before falling out of favor. The tenacity of the Viet Cong and the anti-war movement would clip McNamara’s wings over the world. And the youthful, rebellious Ford Mustang would eclipse the conventional Falcon.
Ghost from Ghost On March 31, 1995, I am watching The X-Files episode "Humbug," a story about murder among circus freaks living in a trailer park. I spot Vincent Schiavelli, recognizable for his hangdog looks, portraying "Lanny."
This is not right. As I recalled, several months before I had seen a special on the E! Network or VH1 about the making of the 1990 movie Ghost, which starred Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg. According to this documentary, Schiavelli, who portrayed the petulant subway ghost, was not feeling well during the filming and died shortly after the movie was completed. As I watched The X-Files, I felt I was seeing a ghost from Ghost.
In "fact," Schiavelli was very much alive and would not die until December 28, 2005 from lung cancer. I had experienced another "wrong" memory.
What do these events say about the creative process? If different variations of a movie exist in a dozen, a hundred or even a million universes, who is the original director or screenwriter? Perhaps there is only one original creative artist and all the other writers merely copied ideas that were transmitted to their conscious or unconscious minds by some interuniverse conduit. If true, that would certainly make a mockery of our copyright laws.
Indeed, all the ideas on this website may not be truly mine; I simply pulled them out of the "ether" from another Robert Urbanek in another universe.
Alternative election On October 3, 2008, I wondered if a newsman had also been jolted through a parallel universe. In his appearance on Late Night with David Letterman, NBC anchor Brian Williams said the Obama versus McCain matchup reminded him of the Kennedy-Eisenhower debate. Thinking I may have done another universe jump, I quickly ran to my computer and confirmed on the Internet that Kennedy indeed debated Nixon, not Eisenhower. Ike ran twice against Adlai Stevenson.
But this is the second time Williams has "recalled" the Kennedy-Eisenhower contest. In June 2008, while being interviewed on MSNBC by Chris Matthews, Williams said, "You know it might read like an Aaron Sorkin screenplay of what political discourse is supposed to sound like in this country, what it sounds like in our dreams. If we're gonna have it, this is the first time perhaps since Ike vs. Kennedy that it's going to happen." I think Williams may have an actual memory of seeing a tape of Eisenhower debating Kennedy. He accessed a parallel universe where Kennedy ran for President in 1956.
Different contact On April 10, 2010, I decided to take a quick look at a TV showing of Star Trek: First Contact (1996), which I had seen previously. Again, things seemed off. What I remember is that early instead of later in the movie, the Enterprise is slowly turning into a Borg vessel, evidence of a change in the timeline that the crew traces back to a change in earth history. The Enterprise must travel back in time to stop the Borg interference.
Another difference: When Picard mentions the Borg to a woman, she replies, "Sounds Swedish." My recollection: The woman said something like, "What is that, a Swedish rock group?" and the conversation took place at the Earth space camp, not on board the Enterprise.
The time travel premise of the movie may indicate that alternative universes are the product of time travel. Alternative timelines are created in alternative universes.
I also found myself with wrong memories of another time travel Star Trek, the 2009 reboot featuring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock. I had seen the film on a DVD from the library and decided to take another look when CBS featured the film as its Sunday night feature on October 3, 2021.
I remembered the young Kirk taking the joyride in the stolen car and the brightly lit bridge of the new Enterprise but much else seemed wrong. I remembered Scotty being onboard as chief engineer when the Enterprise left port. He was never on an icy outpost. I don’t recall the peril faced by the crew, but it was resolved through time travel. Leonard Nimoy appeared much later in the movie. I definitely did not remember the destruction of both the Romulan and Vulcan home worlds, with billions of lives lost, which seemed out of character for the Star Trek franchise. Given my belief that culture often anticipates reality, this ominous change in the movie suggests an ominous change in our own future.
Several hours after seeing the movie, I had a dream in which Kate Mulgrew, who portrayed Captain Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager, is driving me to a dinner date in an old luxury car. She complains I have disturbed her side view mirror. I see in front of me a round toggle switch like that on a TV remote control. I push the left arrow and the mirror is correctly aligned. Given that the side view mirror reflects what is passing the vehicle, the dream would seem to suggest that the programs and movies I see on TV reflect actual events that are passing by me, and the remote control in the dream represents my ability to anticipate those events.
Another Vlad CBS Morning News announced on Sept. 2, 2020 that their newsman Vladimir Duthiers had married news producer Marian Wang. Yet, I seemed to recall that several months before, in response to women who were interested in Vladimir, co-host Gayle King said, “Sorry girls, he’s not available. He’s gay.” I also seem to remember, though less clearly, photos or videos showing Vladimir with a male partner.
I had still another “wrong memory” in June 2023. I had checked out the original miniseries The Stand (1994) on DVDs from the library. I had seen it before and when watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent back in 2001, recognized Jamey Sheridan as the demonic villain Randall Flagg from the miniseries. But as I started watching the DVDs, nothing seemed familiar: not the old black woman on the porch nor the showdown in Las Vegas.
Instead, I recalled, though somewhat vaguely, an entirely different story line. After the apocalypse, Flagg gathered followers on his seemingly biblical trek through the devastated countryside. However, a group of dissidents split off after they recognized his demonic nature. Both sides are involved in a series of skirmishes. The groups are heading East, not West. When Flagg reaches a big city, New York, I believe, his group seizes a television station from which they will broadcast a national message announcing Flagg as the new leader of humanity. However, the dissidents sabotage the broadcast and Flagg is tricked into revealing his true demonic self before a nationwide audience.
At times I feel like Worf in that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation in which he keeps jumping between different universes. He cannot understand weapon controls, the furnishings in his room are different and he finds he is married to Counselor Troi. Will I ever return to my original universe or will I keep traveling among different realities?
Exploring the Mandela Effect
On March 5, 2019, I discovered that my “wrong” memories pointing to alternative realities was a common experience already known as the Mandela Effect.
In my parallel universe thread on a political forum, I noted my Batman movie experience, which prompted someone to suggest my experience could be attributed to the Mandela Effect, in which people have such false memories as recalling that the Berenstain Bears were really the Berenstein Bears and that Nelson Mandela passed away in the 1990s when he really lived until 2013.
I had mixed feelings about the discovery of the Mandela Effect, especially after visiting a website devoted to the subject. My discoveries were no longer unique yet the large number of seemingly normal people with similar experiences assured me that this was not a form of mental illness. Furthermore, other people had explored the same “parallel universe” explanation, including Fiona Broome, founder of the Mandela Effect website, who stated, “Personally, I love the idea that it might be evidence that – now and then, like tourists – we’re sliding into an alternate reality, and then return to our home reality.”
On March 21, I ran across a weather report on NHK Newsline which showed the city of Nagasaki at the southwest tip of Japan. This seemed wrong as I remembered Nagasaki as being north and slightly east of Hiroshima. I looked up a detailed map and noted that Hiroshima also seemed to be in the wrong place; it should have been further south and east. It’s another “wrong” memory but one that creates a much greater gap between this reality and the other. In such a radically different Japan, I should remember other large differences: Japanese companies, for example, would have different names and Japanese cars would have different designs. But that was not so.
I ponder another possibility; I did not have an experience in a parallel universe. I am living in a simulation. The programmer is not creating different worlds; with each false memory, he is creating a different me. But why would he create the same false memories in different people?
On March 5, 2019, I discovered that my “wrong” memories pointing to alternative realities was a common experience already known as the Mandela Effect.
In my parallel universe thread on a political forum, I noted my Batman movie experience, which prompted someone to suggest my experience could be attributed to the Mandela Effect, in which people have such false memories as recalling that the Berenstain Bears were really the Berenstein Bears and that Nelson Mandela passed away in the 1990s when he really lived until 2013.
I had mixed feelings about the discovery of the Mandela Effect, especially after visiting a website devoted to the subject. My discoveries were no longer unique yet the large number of seemingly normal people with similar experiences assured me that this was not a form of mental illness. Furthermore, other people had explored the same “parallel universe” explanation, including Fiona Broome, founder of the Mandela Effect website, who stated, “Personally, I love the idea that it might be evidence that – now and then, like tourists – we’re sliding into an alternate reality, and then return to our home reality.”
On March 21, I ran across a weather report on NHK Newsline which showed the city of Nagasaki at the southwest tip of Japan. This seemed wrong as I remembered Nagasaki as being north and slightly east of Hiroshima. I looked up a detailed map and noted that Hiroshima also seemed to be in the wrong place; it should have been further south and east. It’s another “wrong” memory but one that creates a much greater gap between this reality and the other. In such a radically different Japan, I should remember other large differences: Japanese companies, for example, would have different names and Japanese cars would have different designs. But that was not so.
I ponder another possibility; I did not have an experience in a parallel universe. I am living in a simulation. The programmer is not creating different worlds; with each false memory, he is creating a different me. But why would he create the same false memories in different people?
UFOs: Deception and Doom
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.
We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe. As they pursue or flee from aircraft in our realm, the objects seem tethered to our reality and thus not from another dimension where the laws of physics may be radically different from those in our cosmos.
Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?
The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in YouTube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.
However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes, time travel, and the Mandela Effect provides a more sinister motive.
Consider this scenario:
Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno or the eruption of super volcanoes that will create a perpetual winter: hot or cold levels of Hell.
Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in either solar or volcanic activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.
Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.
This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American. They concluded “if anything like the many-universes picture is true . . . then all the standard objections to time travel depend on false models of physical reality.”
In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2. The Mandela Effect, in which people share the same memories of an alternative reality, may be evidence that this is indeed happening. Besides demonstrating access to a parallel universe, the alternative realities could also be explained by changes caused by time travelers. In that scenario, Nelson Mandela did die in our world in the 1990s but some action by the time travelers changed history, although some people retained a “quantum memory” of the original timeline. Each new group of refugees from Earth 2 created new timelines and new “false” memories of different people, places, and things.
The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.
Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.
But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate change and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
What can we do? Likely, nothing. It may be too late to develop time travel technology, although the persistence of UFO sightings suggests Earth 2 is still pushing the space alien delusion. If my theory is a threat to their plans, my days may be numbered.
Finally, let me get to the weird part (What, this isn’t weird enough already?). I’m not sure how to discuss this without sounding completely bonkers. About a decade ago I noticed that some people on TV seemed to have strange looking ears. Many had no ear lobes, and the channels and curves of the outer ear were now oddly shaped. Among those with “suspicious” ears were the actor Matt Frewer and Nissan executive Carlos Ghosn.
My explanation is that the residents of Earth 2 have different ears than us, and the DNA from their settlers has made its way into our current crop of humans.
UFOs: Deception and Doom
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.
We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe. As they pursue or flee from aircraft in our realm, the objects seem tethered to our reality and thus not from another dimension where the laws of physics may be radically different from those in our cosmos.
Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?
The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in YouTube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.
However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes, time travel, and the Mandela Effect provides a more sinister motive.
Consider this scenario:
Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno or the eruption of super volcanoes that will create a perpetual winter: hot or cold levels of Hell.
Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in either solar or volcanic activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.
Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.
This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American. They concluded “if anything like the many-universes picture is true . . . then all the standard objections to time travel depend on false models of physical reality.”
In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2. The Mandela Effect, in which people share the same memories of an alternative reality, may be evidence that this is indeed happening. Besides demonstrating access to a parallel universe, the alternative realities could also be explained by changes caused by time travelers. In that scenario, Nelson Mandela did die in our world in the 1990s but some action by the time travelers changed history, although some people retained a “quantum memory” of the original timeline. Each new group of refugees from Earth 2 created new timelines and new “false” memories of different people, places, and things.
The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.
Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.
But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate change and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
What can we do? Likely, nothing. It may be too late to develop time travel technology, although the persistence of UFO sightings suggests Earth 2 is still pushing the space alien delusion. If my theory is a threat to their plans, my days may be numbered.
Finally, let me get to the weird part (What, this isn’t weird enough already?). I’m not sure how to discuss this without sounding completely bonkers. About a decade ago I noticed that some people on TV seemed to have strange looking ears. Many had no ear lobes, and the channels and curves of the outer ear were now oddly shaped. Among those with “suspicious” ears were the actor Matt Frewer and Nissan executive Carlos Ghosn.
My explanation is that the residents of Earth 2 have different ears than us, and the DNA from their settlers has made its way into our current crop of humans.
The “What if” Beatles album
You may say I’m a dreamer but imagine a parallel universe where the Beatles didn’t break up in 1970 but created another album incorporating their “individual” works from 1969 to 1971. Titles and composers listed. Let’s call it Amazing.
Side One
Instant Karma – John Lennon
Imagine - John Lennon
My Sweet Lord – George Harrison
Give Peace A Chance – John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Gimme Some Truth – John Lennon
Power to the People – John Lennon
All Things Must Pass – George Harrison
Side Two
Maybe I’m Amazed – Paul McCartney
That Would Be Something – Paul McCartney
Jealous Guy – John Lennon
Every Night – Paul McCartney
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey – Paul and Linda McCartney
It Don’t Come Easy – Ringo Starr, George Harrison
Wah Wah – George Harrison
You may say I’m a dreamer but imagine a parallel universe where the Beatles didn’t break up in 1970 but created another album incorporating their “individual” works from 1969 to 1971. Titles and composers listed. Let’s call it Amazing.
Side One
Instant Karma – John Lennon
Imagine - John Lennon
My Sweet Lord – George Harrison
Give Peace A Chance – John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Gimme Some Truth – John Lennon
Power to the People – John Lennon
All Things Must Pass – George Harrison
Side Two
Maybe I’m Amazed – Paul McCartney
That Would Be Something – Paul McCartney
Jealous Guy – John Lennon
Every Night – Paul McCartney
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey – Paul and Linda McCartney
It Don’t Come Easy – Ringo Starr, George Harrison
Wah Wah – George Harrison
Images Diagram of a Level I Multiverse, public domain; Figure with Meat, Francis Bacon, The Art Institute of Chicago, fair use; The Scream, Edvard Munch, public domain; U.S. Navy photo of UFO, public domain; Amazing background, Google online, Creative Commons.
Robert S Urbanek grew up in Southern California and earned a BA in journalism from California State University, Long Beach, in 1973. He has more than two decades of experience as a writer and editor for community newspapers and medical and legal-related publications, which included several years each with the National Notary Association, The Doctors' Company, and CCH Incorporated. © Robert S Urbanek